Last Updated: 23rd November 2022
Online Courses for Everyone
Improve Your Skills Online
Learn on Your Schedule
At the ODL, we aim to prepare high quality professionals trained with the most recent knowledge. Dedicated to promoting high-level intellectual and practical skills, the IIUI is also joining the coterie of international institutions that are offering online courses and degree programs. With the aim to target a broad spectrum of students across diverse cultures, our courses are affordable and prepared by academics of global repute. So join us in this exciting adventure of learning.
Last Updated: 23rd November 2022
While focusing on learning the Urdu language, this course interweaves learning speaking, reading and writing skills in Urdu while foregrounding an understanding of Urdu Grammar.
Last Updated: 23rd November 2022
لقد لقيت اللغة العربية الكثير من الاهتمام بتعلمها لا سيما في العصر الحاضر، وتزادد أعداد الراغبين في تعلمها يوماً بعد يوم لأسباب مختلفة. لكن هناك فئة من الراغبين في تعلمها بدافع معرفة دينهم، وهم من المسلمين غير العرب، وهي فئة معتبرة كماً وكيفاً.
Last Updated: 23rd November 2022
A detailed and authentic guidance to prospective pilgrims of Hajj-o-Umrah
Last Updated: 19th August 2022
This course develops strong leadership skills for change management, implementation and sustainability without damaging the organization’s equilibrium.
Last Updated: 23rd November 2022
Learn precisely how to optimize your website with SEO
Last Updated: 19th November 2022
The course aims to help students and participants to understand basic concepts of macroeconomics that may affect their personal and business plans.
Last Updated: 12th June 2023
This course foregrounds the development of academic writing skills. It covers topics including developing an academic syntax, writing research proposals, abstracts and journal articles.
Last Updated: 12th June 2023
This course foregrounds the development of academic writing skills. It covers topics including developing an academic syntax, writing research proposals, abstracts and journal articles.
Last Updated: 1st February 2023
لقد لقيت اللغة العربية الكثير من الاهتمام بتعلمها لا سيما في العصر الحاضر، وتزادد أعداد الراغبين في تعلمها يوماً بعد يوم لأسباب مختلفة. لكن هناك فئة من الراغبين في تعلمها بدافع معرفة دينهم، وهم من المسلمين غير العرب، وهي فئة معتبرة كماً وكيفاً.
Last Updated: 1st February 2023
لقد لقيت اللغة العربية الكثير من الاهتمام بتعلمها لا سيما في العصر الحاضر، وتزادد أعداد الراغبين في تعلمها يوماً بعد يوم لأسباب مختلفة. لكن هناك فئة من الراغبين في تعلمها بدافع معرفة دينهم، وهم من المسلمين غير العرب، وهي فئة معتبرة كماً وكيفاً.
Last Updated: 11th June 2023
This course foregrounds the development of academic writing skills. It covers topics including developing an academic syntax, writing research proposals, abstracts and journal articles.
Last Updated: 13th June 2023
This certification in digital marketing is an educational response to the challenges of a global market where companies and agencies need vanguard creative business professionals with new skills and competencies to differentiate and position their brands/products digitally. The course is about bridging the gap between online creativity, communication, advertising, and branding to educate and form future creative business professionals.
Last Updated: 12th June 2023
A course for professional grooming
Last Updated: 12th June 2023
This course foregrounds the development of academic writing skills. It covers topics including developing an academic syntax, writing research proposals, abstracts and journal articles.
Last Updated: 12th June 2023
Be an inspirational instructor. Learn to be a star trainer, the one who can drive the trainees’ minds and win the audiences’ hearts. Develop the ability to capitalize upon human potential. Fourth Generation revolution requires more people equipped with the skills and abilities to teach and train their fellow human beings for various traits and technologies. An opportunity to develop market oriented skills. Learn the art of doing it in the best possible manner.
Last Updated: 12th June 2023
A course for professional grooming
Last Updated: 12th June 2023
While focusing on learning the Urdu language, this course interweaves learning speaking, reading and writing skills in Urdu while foregrounding an understanding of Urdu Grammar.
Last Updated: 12th June 2023
لقد لقيت اللغة العربية الكثير من الاهتمام بتعلمها لا سيما في العصر الحاضر، وتزادد أعداد الراغبين في تعلمها يوماً بعد يوم لأسباب مختلفة. لكن هناك فئة من الراغبين في تعلمها بدافع معرفة دينهم، وهم من المسلمين غير العرب، وهي فئة معتبرة كماً وكيفاً.
Last Updated: 15th June 2023
Learn precisely how to optimize your website with SEO
Last Updated: 17th August 2022
This practice-based course is meant for beginners in writing, and includes modules on writing process, image, setting, voice, characterization, story, etc.
Last Updated: 19th August 2022
Through a comprehensive overview of diverse texts, this course traces the evolution of literary genres across the English literary canon.
Last Updated: 22nd August 2022
In this course, the students will be introduced to important philosophical and methodological premises in contemporary literary theories. In addition, the students will be given practice in analysing literary and cultural texts in the light of multiple theoretical frameworks.
Last Updated: 22nd August 2022
This course uses principles of rhetoric to teach writing. Its primary focus is teaching writing in different genres considering the rhetorical situation of each genre.
Last Updated: 17th August 2022
A course for professional grooming
Last Updated: 17th August 2022
Be an inspirational instructor. Learn to be a star trainer, the one who can drive the trainees’ minds and win the audiences’ hearts. Develop the ability to capitalize upon human potential. Fourth Generation revolution requires more people equipped with the skills and abilities to teach and train their fellow human beings for various traits and technologies. An opportunity to develop market oriented skills. Learn the art of doing it in the best possible manner.
Last Updated: 23rd November 2022
While focusing on learning the Urdu language, this course interweaves learning speaking, reading and writing skills in Urdu while foregrounding an understanding of Urdu Grammar.
Last Updated: 12th June 2023
This course foregrounds the development of academic writing skills. It covers topics including developing an academic syntax, writing research proposals, abstracts and journal articles.
Last Updated: 12th June 2023
Be an inspirational instructor. Learn to be a star trainer, the one who can drive the trainees’ minds and win the audiences’ hearts. Develop the ability to capitalize upon human potential. Fourth Generation revolution requires more people equipped with the skills and abilities to teach and train their fellow human beings for various traits and technologies. An opportunity to develop market oriented skills. Learn the art of doing it in the best possible manner.
Last Updated: 12th June 2023
A course for professional grooming
Last Updated: 12th June 2023
While focusing on learning the Urdu language, this course interweaves learning speaking, reading and writing skills in Urdu while foregrounding an understanding of Urdu Grammar.
Last Updated: 12th June 2023
لقد لقيت اللغة العربية الكثير من الاهتمام بتعلمها لا سيما في العصر الحاضر، وتزادد أعداد الراغبين في تعلمها يوماً بعد يوم لأسباب مختلفة. لكن هناك فئة من الراغبين في تعلمها بدافع معرفة دينهم، وهم من المسلمين غير العرب، وهي فئة معتبرة كماً وكيفاً.
Last Updated: 15th June 2023
Learn precisely how to optimize your website with SEO
Last Updated: 17th August 2022
This practice-based course is meant for beginners in writing, and includes modules on writing process, image, setting, voice, characterization, story, etc.
Last Updated: 19th August 2022
Through a comprehensive overview of diverse texts, this course traces the evolution of literary genres across the English literary canon.
Last Updated: 22nd August 2022
In this course, the students will be introduced to important philosophical and methodological premises in contemporary literary theories. In addition, the students will be given practice in analysing literary and cultural texts in the light of multiple theoretical frameworks.
Last Updated: 22nd August 2022
This course uses principles of rhetoric to teach writing. Its primary focus is teaching writing in different genres considering the rhetorical situation of each genre.
Last Updated: 17th August 2022
A course for professional grooming
Last Updated: 17th August 2022
Be an inspirational instructor. Learn to be a star trainer, the one who can drive the trainees’ minds and win the audiences’ hearts. Develop the ability to capitalize upon human potential. Fourth Generation revolution requires more people equipped with the skills and abilities to teach and train their fellow human beings for various traits and technologies. An opportunity to develop market oriented skills. Learn the art of doing it in the best possible manner.
Last Updated: 23rd November 2022
While focusing on learning the Urdu language, this course interweaves learning speaking, reading and writing skills in Urdu while foregrounding an understanding of Urdu Grammar.
Last Updated: 23rd November 2022
لقد لقيت اللغة العربية الكثير من الاهتمام بتعلمها لا سيما في العصر الحاضر، وتزادد أعداد الراغبين في تعلمها يوماً بعد يوم لأسباب مختلفة. لكن هناك فئة من الراغبين في تعلمها بدافع معرفة دينهم، وهم من المسلمين غير العرب، وهي فئة معتبرة كماً وكيفاً.
Last Updated: 23rd November 2022
A detailed and authentic guidance to prospective pilgrims of Hajj-o-Umrah
Last Updated: 19th August 2022
This course develops strong leadership skills for change management, implementation and sustainability without damaging the organization’s equilibrium.
Last Updated: 23rd November 2022
Learn precisely how to optimize your website with SEO
Last Updated: 19th November 2022
The course aims to help students and participants to understand basic concepts of macroeconomics that may affect their personal and business plans.
Last Updated: 12th June 2023
This course foregrounds the development of academic writing skills. It covers topics including developing an academic syntax, writing research proposals, abstracts and journal articles.
Last Updated: 12th June 2023
This course foregrounds the development of academic writing skills. It covers topics including developing an academic syntax, writing research proposals, abstracts and journal articles.
Last Updated: 1st February 2023
لقد لقيت اللغة العربية الكثير من الاهتمام بتعلمها لا سيما في العصر الحاضر، وتزادد أعداد الراغبين في تعلمها يوماً بعد يوم لأسباب مختلفة. لكن هناك فئة من الراغبين في تعلمها بدافع معرفة دينهم، وهم من المسلمين غير العرب، وهي فئة معتبرة كماً وكيفاً.
Last Updated: 1st February 2023
لقد لقيت اللغة العربية الكثير من الاهتمام بتعلمها لا سيما في العصر الحاضر، وتزادد أعداد الراغبين في تعلمها يوماً بعد يوم لأسباب مختلفة. لكن هناك فئة من الراغبين في تعلمها بدافع معرفة دينهم، وهم من المسلمين غير العرب، وهي فئة معتبرة كماً وكيفاً.
Last Updated: 11th June 2023
This course foregrounds the development of academic writing skills. It covers topics including developing an academic syntax, writing research proposals, abstracts and journal articles.
Last Updated: 13th June 2023
This certification in digital marketing is an educational response to the challenges of a global market where companies and agencies need vanguard creative business professionals with new skills and competencies to differentiate and position their brands/products digitally. The course is about bridging the gap between online creativity, communication, advertising, and branding to educate and form future creative business professionals.
Last Updated: 12th June 2023
A course for professional grooming
A vital foundation on which the Online Distance Learning program offered by the International islamic University, Islamabad is built is that of being assistive and accessible. Along with a user-friendly interface experience, our ODL system places major focus on the two aforementioned properties. These features collectively create an easy-access database meant to function as an aide for education-o
NECESSITY OF E-LEARNINGE-learning or learning via electronic media and the internet is a quickly developing industry all around the globe. These days, e-learning has been demonstrated to be significant to the individuals who comprehend its value. It gives the chance to accomplish extraordinary outcomes at lower costs and at famous foundations, that in any case would almost certainly be incomprehen
In the ever-growing world of today, technology has extended its tentacles to the very fabric of human existence. The use of technology as an accessory has become an integral part of our lives. The online distance learning program (ODL) launched by IIUI provides the students of our global village to connect in a virtual space and upgrade their skills dramatically.In testing times of innovation and
A vital foundation on which the Online Distance Learning program offered by the International islamic University, Islamabad is built is that of being assistive and accessible. Along with a user-friendly interface experience, our ODL system places major focus on the two aforementioned properties. These features collectively create an easy-access database meant to function as an aide for education-o
NECESSITY OF E-LEARNINGE-learning or learning via electronic media and the internet is a quickly developing industry all around the globe. These days, e-learning has been demonstrated to be significant to the individuals who comprehend its value. It gives the chance to accomplish extraordinary outcomes at lower costs and at famous foundations, that in any case would almost certainly be incomprehen
In the ever-growing world of today, technology has extended its tentacles to the very fabric of human existence. The use of technology as an accessory has become an integral part of our lives. The online distance learning program (ODL) launched by IIUI provides the students of our global village to connect in a virtual space and upgrade their skills dramatically.In testing times of innovation and
A vital foundation on which the Online Distance Learning program offered by the International islamic University, Islamabad is built is that of being assistive and accessible. Along with a user-friendly interface experience, our ODL system places major focus on the two aforementioned properties. These features collectively create an easy-access database meant to function as an aide for education-o
NECESSITY OF E-LEARNINGE-learning or learning via electronic media and the internet is a quickly developing industry all around the globe. These days, e-learning has been demonstrated to be significant to the individuals who comprehend its value. It gives the chance to accomplish extraordinary outcomes at lower costs and at famous foundations, that in any case would almost certainly be incomprehen
NECESSITY OF E-LEARNINGE-learning or learning via electronic media and the internet is a quickly developing industry all around the globe. These days, e-learning has been demonstrated to be significant to the individuals who comprehend its value. It gives the chance to accomplish extraordinary outcomes at lower costs and at famous foundations, that in any case would almost certainly be incomprehen
In the ever-growing world of today, technology has extended its tentacles to the very fabric of human existence. The use of technology as an accessory has become an integral part of our lives. The online distance learning program (ODL) launched by IIUI provides the students of our global village to connect in a virtual space and upgrade their skills dramatically.In testing times of innovation and
A vital foundation on which the Online Distance Learning program offered by the International islamic University, Islamabad is built is that of being assistive and accessible. Along with a user-friendly interface experience, our ODL system places major focus on the two aforementioned properties. These features collectively create an easy-access database meant to function as an aide for education-o