
Change Management

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Change Management

This course develops strong leadership skills for change management, implementation and sustainability without damaging the organization’s equilibrium.

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  • 0 User Enrolled
  • ₨8,000.00
  • Course Includes
  • Pre-recorded Lectures
  • Discussion / Discourse Analysis
  • Learning Projects and Activities

What you will learn

  • Describe the various forms of structure that can exist within an organization.
  • Develop skills that help employees cope throughout periods of change.
  • Discuss the importance of communication, trust and culture in the change management process.
  • Discuss the factors necessary to implement change successfully.
  • Define the various factors that must be in place for an organization to develop a positive capacity for change.

Course Content

8 sections • 48 lectures • 02h 35m total length
Module Introduction - by Dr. Zara


In today’s world with the quickly changing work dynamics it is critical for every individual to become more adaptable to change. Change enables individuals to come out of their status quo and challenge themselves to explore new avenues. If not actively engaging in evolving yourself life becomes stagnant and it caps the potential of growth. Understanding change and why it is important in organizations makes it easier for professionals to manage change. This module gives the learners the basic concept of change and makes them familiar with the terminologies and concepts which would help in the upcoming modules.


At the end of the Unit, the learners will be able to:

  • Understand change and the process of change management.
  • Understand some important basic concepts of change management.


Introductory Video - by Dr. Zara
Lecture Slides - by Dr. Zara
Reference Material - Change Management Plan - by Dr. Zara
Reference Material - Narration method as change management plan development and implementation - by Dr. Zara
Module 1 - Recorded Lecture - by Dr. Zara
Activity - by Dr. Zara
Module Introduction - by Dr. Zara


As we established in the previous session that change is good for growth of both individuals and entities. But Change can only be good if it is holistically embraced. When change is implemented it not just affects individuals but also involves changing the norms, values and beliefs of groups which makes it rather challenging for the management to deal with change. The module discusses how understanding the culture and taking the whole organization equally is critical for change implementation and sustainability without damaging the organization’s equilibrium.


At the end of the Unit, the learners will be able to:

  • Understand the concept of organization culture
  • What are the sources of organizational culture and forces that affect it?
  • Resistance to change and how to deal with it.

Learners’ Self Reflection 

Learners will critically reflect on their assigned tasks and give their reflection on it.

Lecture Slides - by Dr. Zara
Reference Material - Organizational Change and Development - by Dr. Zara
Module 2 - Recorded Lecture - by Dr. Zara
Activity - by Dr. Zara
Module Introduction - by Dr. Zara


Change agent is an individual typically from inside and some side some external party to the organization who helps the organization through transitioning process, through transformation with focus on organizational effectiveness, development and improvement. Their main focus is on people and their interactions. The current module focuses on the leaders role as change agent and how culture of the organization play a vital role in this domain.


At the end of the Unit, the learners will be able to:


  • Understand how culture plays an important role in change management process
  • Role of leaders as change agents against the resistance faced to change.


Learners’ Self Reflection 

Learners will critically reflect on their assigned tasks and give their reflection on it.

Lecture Slides - by Dr. Zara
Reference Material - Barriers to Organizational Change - by Dr. Zara
Reference Material - Organizational Change and development - by Dr. Zara
Module 3 - Recorded Lecture - by Dr. Zara
Case Study - Organizational Change - by Dr. Zara
Activity - by Dr. Zara
Module Introduction - by Dr. Zara


Strategic change management is the process of managing change in a structured, thoughtful way in order to meet organizational goals, objectives, and missions. In addition, strategic change managers use models to help move through the change process with purpose rather than haphazardly attempting to change the company.


At the end of the Unit, the learners will be able to:

  • The concept of strategic management
  • The process of strategic management and its role in implementation of change

Learners’ Self Reflection 

Learners will critically reflect on their assigned tasks and give their reflection on it.

Lecture Slides - by Dr. Zara
Reference Material - Strategic Change Management - by Dr. Zara
Module 4 - Recorded Lecture - by Dr. Zara
Activity - by Dr. Zara
Activity Answer Key - by Dr. Zara
Module Introduction - by Dr. Zara


Organizational Diagnosis is an effective ways of looking at an organization to determine gaps between current and desired performance and how it can achieve its goals. Developing an organization is no different. With each iteration of a diagnostic process so new changes are identified and prioritized.


At the end of the Unit, the learners will be able to:

  • The concept of Organizational diagnosis
  • What is the role of Change agents?
  • Why do we need to perform diagnosis?
  • What the models of diagnosis and philosophy behind them
  • How to perform assessment of change


Lecture Slides - by Dr. Zara
Reference Material - Integrated Model of Organizational Diagnosis - by Dr. Zara
Module 5 - Recorded Lecture - by Dr. Zara
Activity Reading Material - by Dr. Zara
Activity - by Dr. Zara
Module Introduction - by Dr. Zara


This module is designed to introduce the learners to the difference between change management and change leadership. Change management, refers to the basic needs tools as well as structures which are required to apply and control change while leadership on change is about making the change process faster and smarter.


At the end of the Unit, the learners will be able to:

  • Understand how to manage change and its consequences.
  • What are the common reactions to change and how to manage and understand them?
  • Major steps of the process of change and frequent errors in change management process.


Lecture Slides - by Dr. Zara
Reference Material - Managing Change - by Dr. Zara
Module 6 - Recorded Lecture - by Dr. Zara
Case Study - Case of Technological Change - by Dr. Zara
Activity - by Dr. Zara
Module Introduction - by Dr. Zara


Understanding the different types of approaches for implementation of change refers to change management models. This module and the next module will help the learners understand the basic models of change management their differences, their advantages and disadvantages respectively.


At the end of the Unit, the learners will be able to understand the following models of change:

  • Kotter’s Model
  • PDCA Model
  • ADKAR Model
  • Mckinsey Model
  • Kubler Model
  • Satir Model


Lecture Slides - by Dr. Zara
Reference Material - Models of Change management - by Dr. Zara
Module 7 - Recorded Lecture - by Dr. Zara
Activity Reading Material - Gamification of Change Management - by Dr. Zara
Activity - by Dr. Zara
Module Introduction - by Dr. Zara


Understanding the different types of approaches for implementation of change refers to change management models. This module and the next module will help the learners understand the basic models of change management their differences, their advantages and disadvantages respectively.


At the end of the Unit, the learners will be able to understand the following:

  • Bridges Transition model
  •  Lewin’s model
  • Maurer’s model
  • What makes change successful
Lecture Slides - by Dr. Zara
Reference Material - Failure in Change Management - by Dr. Zara
Module 8 - Recorded Lecture - by Dr. Zara
Activity - by Dr. Zara


  • People working in any organization can join. People wanting to develop ability to adapt to changing environment.


Duration: 8 Weeks

Course Developer: Dr Zara Tahir

Course Content:

  • Number of Modules: 8


In today’s environment where there is a rapid increase in competition as well as the technologically advanced environments, business should be able to adapt to changes on an on-going basis. If they freeze in their current state and fail to advance, they face a high risk of jeopardizing their share of customers. Change management is a skill that plays a significant role in an organization's journey through change.

This course will help you understand what change is, what are the reasons to change and the resistance it faces through human response. You will also learn how to overcome that resistance.

Grading policy and assessment:

  • This course will comprise of activities and assignments evaluating Presentation, information retrieval, analytical and academic writing skills of the participants

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About the Instructor

About the Instructor

Dr. Zara is a PhD in Management Sciences, currently serving in the department of IT and Project Management in Faculty of management sciences. She possess 12+ years of professional experience in working on projects and teaching.