
Discover Best Courses for the Best Learning

Directorate of Open and Distance Learning

International Islamic University, Islamabad provides every opportunity for an all-round and harmonious development of individuals and society. Located in the capital city of Pakistan, this university aims to achieve high standards of excellence by offering a wide range of certificate, diploma and advanced diploma courses in the first phase of its launch of the Online Distance Learning program through its Directorate of Open and Distance Learning. Albeit still at an inchoate stage, it is expected to expand and grow like an organic entity as we endeavour to lead it towards offering degree programs in line with international practices.

Distance Learning is not a new phenomenon for the IIUI. With the Dawah Academy offering its correspondence courses over the last many decades, the IIUI has already been on track for offering distance education. Subsequently, beginning in 2015-16, the Directorate of Open and Distance Learning offered M.Ed, MA Education, MA Pakistan Studies and B.Ed programs. With the Covid-19 pandemic, the urgency for an online distance learning program became paramount in the IIUI, materialising with the successful launch and implementation of its LMS that offered 4500 classes. The LMS is now one of our favourite modes of education. Subsequent to this successful venture, we have launched the ODL which is in line with international trends wherein online courses are being offered by notable universities across the world. Our user-friendly portal has an easily navigable interface allowing a teacher student interaction through integrated Zoom and WhatsApp. Our courses are designed to allow learners to learn autonomously with the help of carefully designed lecture notes, recorded lectures, reference materials and quizzes to enable them to extract the maximum of learning at the ODL. So no matter, where you are, our ODL enables you to learn at your pace and according to your convenience.

<p>WHY ODL ?</p>

Aiming to prepare high quality professionals immersed in the teachings of Islam and developing balanced harmonious personalities, who may counter the contemporary challenges. IIUI keenly focuses on the development of environment according to the teachings of Islam and contemporary needs. This is a fact that the world renowned universities are devoted to promote excellence in education through the establishment of distance learning centers. Distance Education mode has been growing rapidly worldwide in the present era. The basic purpose of distance learning is to provide greater access to large number of students within limited financial budget.


The Directorate of Distance Education provides a challenging learning environment infused with Islamic values and research based practices to produce balanced, Harmonious educational leaders by providing education through dual mode, who are proactively motivated towards innovation, research and development of nationals and international community.


The Directorate of Distance Education will be the leading teacher education directorate of Pakistan with highly qualified human resources, allied infrastructure equipped with modern technology, and research based practices to produce balanced, harmonious educational leaders serving the community and Ummah, by providing education through dual mode of education.


We have introduced the following key feature and benefits of Online Distance Learning Web Portal

Easy Enrolment from All Across the Globe
Social Login
24 / 7 Help & Support
Course Review & Rating
Student Feedback
Instructor - Student Appointment Scheduling
Online Payment Solution
Multi Language Support
Real Time Alerts
Progressive Web Application
Digital and QR Coded Secure Certificates

Open and Distance Learning Competence

<p>Directorate of Open and Distance Learning at International Islamic University, Islamabad is one of its kind in launching certificate courses via Open and Distance Learning Mode through a completely digital mechanism</p>


<p>Subject Categories</p>






<p>Course Enrollments</p>




An Accessible Web Portal for All

<p>Keeping up with the latest technological developments, our Online Distance Learning Programme features a sleek and user friendly interface which makes it convenient and accessible to everyone. Our web portal has been designed keeping in mind a wide range of audience and so has been designed to make it easy for everyone to operate it. It features three languages; English, Arabic and Urdu thus making it accessible to a multicultural audience. With all the options available openly and up front, the users do not have to worry about spending time trying to understand the interface.</p>

Hassle-Free Dashboard

To ensure a smooth and stress-free e-learning experience, students are given access to their dashboards which they can log in to. All the administrative tasks are done through this dashboard thus making them a completely online and smooth process which only requires the internet. Not only is this dashboard instrumental for administrative matters, it also features an integrated Zoom. Due to this integrated Zoom in the dashboard, the students do not have to go through the struggles of downloading additional videolink applications.

Diligently Designed Courses

<p>Under our Online Open and Distance Learning Program, the courses have been designed keeping in mind a wide range of students that it caters to. The courses are designed, reviewed and taught by our highly competent instructors these courses have pre-recorded video tutorials and a properly structured assessment system.</p>


The Peculiarity of Open and Distance Learning

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