Deferment Policy:
Certificate Courses:
There will be no deferment option available in certificate courses, neither of deferment of admission nor of deferment of studies.
Diploma Programs:
There will be no deferment option available in diploma courses, neither of deferment of admission nor of deferment of studies.
Advanced Diploma Programs:
- Learners enrolled in advanced diploma programs can only apply for deferment of studies and not for deferment of admission.
- Deferment of studies will only be granted for subsequent semester before the fee submission of the semester. Once the fee is submitted, no deferment will be granted.
- Deferment of studies is allowed once in a program subject to approval of the dealing office (Academics) and approval of the Directorate of Distance Learning. Once the learner availed the opportunity of deferment, he/she may resume studies with prior approval of the Directorate of Distance Learning.