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This practice-based course is meant for beginners in writing, and incl...
لقد لقيت اللغة العربية الكثير من الاهتمام بتعلمها لا سيما في العصر الح...
While focusing on learning the Urdu language, this course interweaves...
This course foregrounds the development of academic writing skills. It...
This practice-based course is meant for beginners in writing, and includes modules on writing process, image, setting, voice,..
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لقد لقيت اللغة العربية الكثير من الاهتمام بتعلمها لا سيما في العصر الحاضر، وتزادد أعداد الراغبين في تعلمها يوماً بعد يوم لأسب..
While focusing on learning the Urdu language, this course interweaves learning speaking, reading and writing skills in Urdu..
This course foregrounds the development of academic writing skills. It covers topics including developing an academic syntax,..