
What grading policy will be applied in diploma/advanced diploma program? 

University’s approved grading policy will be adopted in case of diploma/advanced diploma courses. The grading will be done on the basis of formative and summative assessment and will be required only for the awarding of the diploma/advanced diploma to the student upon meeting all the mandatory requirements. These courses will not count towards any course exemption.

Marks             Grade     GradePoint

80 & above      A                    4.00

75-79.99%       B+                   3.5

70-74.99%       B                     3.00

65-69.99%       C+                   2.50

60-64.99%       C                     2.00

55-59.99%       D+                   1.50

50-54.99%       D                     1.00

Below 50%     F                      0

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