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This course foregrounds the development of academic writing skills. It...
لقد لقيت اللغة العربية الكثير من الاهتمام بتعلمها لا سيما في العصر الح...
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لقد لقيت اللغة العربية الكثير من الاهتمام بتعلمها لا سيما في العصر الح...
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This course foregrounds the development of academic writing skills. It...
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This course foregrounds the development of academic writing skills. It...
لقد لقيت اللغة العربية الكثير من الاهتمام بتعلمها لا سيما في العصر الح...
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While focusing on learning the Urdu language, this course interweaves...
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This course uses principles of rhetoric to teach writing. Its primary...
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In this course, the students will be introduced to important philosoph...
Through a comprehensive overview of diverse texts, this course traces...
This course foregrounds the development of academic writing skills. It covers topics including developing an academic syntax,..
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لقد لقيت اللغة العربية الكثير من الاهتمام بتعلمها لا سيما في العصر الحاضر، وتزادد أعداد الراغبين في تعلمها يوماً بعد يوم لأسب..
لقد لقيت اللغة العربية الكثير من الاهتمام بتعلمها لا سيما في العصر الحاضر، وتزادد أعداد الراغبين في تعلمها يوماً بعد يوم لأسب..
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This course foregrounds the development of academic writing skills. It covers topics including developing an academic syntax,..
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This course foregrounds the development of academic writing skills. It covers topics including developing an academic syntax,..
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لقد لقيت اللغة العربية الكثير من الاهتمام بتعلمها لا سيما في العصر الحاضر، وتزادد أعداد الراغبين في تعلمها يوماً بعد يوم لأسب..
While focusing on learning the Urdu language, this course interweaves learning speaking, reading and writing skills in Urdu..
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This course uses principles of rhetoric to teach writing. Its primary focus is teaching writing in different genres consideri..
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In this course, the students will be introduced to important philosophical and methodological premises in contemporary litera..
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Through a comprehensive overview of diverse texts, this course traces the evolution of literary genres across the English lit..